The physiology is made of the devatas. When it is healthy, activity is bliss. Like a vastu house or any vastu building. It is a structure built through Natural Law that creates harmony in every activity of your life.
With a vastu building there is an order-arrangement- to things both inside and outside of the building making specific areas for different activities. For example, the Northeast corner is the meditation room. If these areas were to be misarranged-put where they are not to be-then there would be disharmony for the people who own and are inside the building.
The same is true for the physiology. One needs to do specific things to keep healthy. If they do things that aren't good for them, then their physiology won't be healthy.

A stream flows with knowledge. It is clear and pure, as people's lives should be.  The stream is cradled in the Earth for it is through knowledge of the Earth one can live. A stream nourishes everyone, people, plants, animals and always flows, just as people's lives should be.
One day the geese had a big argument because each one wanted to go to a different place. Some to the North, some to the South, some East, some West. The argument lasted all night. The moon, not yet half full rose in the East and set in the West followed by the stars. Then, the Sun began to peak over the horizon and one of the geese saw this and spoke out. "Just as the Moon follows the Sun and the Stars follow the Moon and the Sun follows the Stars each day, so should we do with deciding who is to lead and who is to follow. Each one of us will take turns leading. When they become tired they can fall back and another can lead." All the geese were overjoyed with the idea. So, they continue to do this today.
Nature is constantly growing/evolving. When people are in tune with Nature, the process of change is bliss. When people are not wanting to change, their resistance creates turmoil and suffering. This is currently what is happening in the world today.
There are people in power who do not want change. The main reason is control/power. They are wealthy and have control over people and the environment and don't want to lose this.
Then there are also the people who want change and are revolting against the ones in power. Nature is pushing people forward. Change is imminent.
"The nature of life is to grow."--Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
There are ways to make these changes quick and smooth. Through Maharishi's programs of Transcendental Meditation, Yagya, and the Pandit Project, the whole world can move forward into peace.
Black and white
It’s decreed
As a breed.
Check his site.

With green eyes
Just two lives
Now to go.

He is old.
Gets in fights.
Boundary rights
Don’t get sold!

Keeps his pride
All the time
On the line
What a ride.

Annoyed by
Other cats
Gives them whacks.
They are spry

Hit him back.
Pick a fight.
It’s their right
To attack.

We break it
Up at once.
Make distance.
Keep them split.

Likes all the
Dogs he’s had.
They weren’t bad
You can see.

Friend throughout.
Big long snout.
All forever.