I’ve always wanted to create positive change, but always felt what I was doing wasn’t enough. Sure, I worked with non-profits to protect wildlife and volunteered with Americorps as an education assistant for emergency preparedness, but I always felt empty inside. I guess that was because I was working in the transitory relative. I gave people facts and info. but I wasn’t changing their life on a deeper level. For instance I can tell someone they need 1 gallon of water per day for minimum of 3 days in case of disaster. Whether or not they do this is up to them. What value does this tip have? It has relative value. It doesn’t change their perception of themselves. They don’t feel they learned something more about themselves. They learned a tip on how much water they need to stay alive during a disaster. This is very important info, but I want to strengthen the emotional & spiritual side of a person.

This is what I’ve found I'm able to do working at Maharishi Ayurveda Products International where I help manage their Twitter account. I’m providing people with tips and deep knowledge that helps people understand themselves. It’s up to each person if they want to follow the health tips, but with those who do, I’m creating positive, permanent change.